The Do Better Conference:

Marriage & Money Weekend

Sponsored by Dear Athletes


HYBRID CONFERENCE - Virtual & In-Person


Dec 29th - dec 31st, 2023 - Indianapolis, indiana

The Marriage and Money Conference will equip you financially, spiritually, socially, and psychologically. This conference is designed to give you tangible and practical information, with tools to keep the marriage God gives you. Men and women will learn to heighten your discernment about God’s best for you, break demonic alters off your bloodline, learn about money management to provide for your family, and protect the marriage God put together, if it is currently under attack.

Are you uncertain if the person you are currently with, is God’s best for you?

Are you discouraged because you have been waiting to meet the person God has for you?

Are you seeking tools to equip you to protect the relationship He has ordained for you?

Do you repeat cycles of betrayal, violence, lust, restlessness, anger, control, or idolatry?

Did you get married off of emotion and romance, but now need a deeper spiritual revelation?

Is your marriage currently being devoured, and you don’t know how to get the enemy out?

Then get excited because this conference is designed just for you!

The Marriage & Money Conference will be bring in the New Year with fresh wind, fresh oil, fresh revelation, and fresh revival, for 3 days in Indianapolis, Indiana!

We have guest pastors, preachers, and industry trainers to come and teach you in the natural and the supernatural!


Come wearing sweats, but don’t come looking a mess!

In addition to the biblical, psychological, and practical teachings we also are providing:


  • Friday

    8:30 am -5:00pm Mental Wellness University Life Coach Certification and Counseling = Virtual

    6:00pm - 10:00pm EST = In person with the speakers , Virtual guests can attend available

    Saturday - Marriage Classes

    9:00am - 2:00pm EST = Virtual

    3:30pm - 7pm EST = In person , virtual guests can attend

    Sunday - Money Classes

    12:00pm - 5:00pm EST = In person, virtual guests can attend




Friday, Dec 29th- DAY 1 - Mental Wellness Summit : 8am-5pm EST

  • 8 hour intensive Mental Health & Counseling Skills Training

  • Healing Interventions, Role Plays,Case Studies, Software, Billing

  • Marketing and Branding for your coaching & private practice

  • Pre-licensed and Licensed Private Practice Set Up

  • Full 3 day access, VIP Night, Sweat Suit Included, Priority Seating

  • Eligible for Mental Wellness Coaching Certification

    *Tickets are nonrefundable, but transferable to other guests*

Friday, Dec 29th- DAY 1 - VIP Entrepreneurs: 6pm - 10pm EST

  • Identify profitable niche, business, and sales strategy

  • Software to access contact information for key stake holders

  • Delegation, products an services to take to market immediately

  • Eligible for 60 second pitch business pitch on the last day

  • Priority Seating

  • App development, strategic partnerships, accounting, and business accounts

  • Prayers to birth the right business, at the right time

    *Tickets are nonrefundable, but transferable to other guests*

Saturday, Dec 30th- DAY 2 - Regular Admission

  • Worship, Deliverance & Spiritual Warfare Training

  • Session 1

  • Lunch

  • Session 2

  • Session 3

  • Plus More

    *Tickets are nonrefundable, but transferable to other guests*

Sunday, Dec 31st- DAY 3 - Regular Admission

  • Session 1

  • Session 2

  • New Years Eve Ceremony

  • Plus More

    *Tickets are nonrefundable, but transferable to other guests*

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is this conference for specifically?

    • The do better: money & marriage conference is for men and women seeking to prepare for a marriage arranged by god. WHETHEr individuals are single, separated, or divorced this is the atmosphere to educated, positioned, and prepared for a marriage that ushers you towards the kingdom of heaven.

  2. How long is the conference?

    • This is a 3 day event . The first day, dece 29th, is for those attending the mental wellness summit and vip entrepreneurs. Day 2 and day 3 are for regular admission. We are bringing in the new year together

  3. What if I am already married?

    • This is a great conference to gain skills in the natural and the supernatural to safeguard your marriage, prepare to leave an inheritance, and receive revival as individuals.

  4. What topics will you be covering at this Mental Wellness Development Summit?

    • Graduate level counseling skills from the hardware method, theoretical orientations, role plays, skills intervention development, private practice development, business marketing, sales development, graduate school application process, liability, athlete wellness and a mental wellness coach certification.

  5. Are there scholarships or discounts available?

    • The ticket prices are not eligible to be discounted, however, if someone purchases an extra ticket , they can gift it to someone else. If an extra ticket becomes available you can contact are sales team to inquire it's availability.

  6. Do I have to be a therapist to attend this Mental Wellness Training?

    • No, you do not have to be a therapist, to learn these skillsets. Therapists are welcome to attend and we do cover specific business skills to expand your business.

  7. What is the refund policy?

    • All tickets are nonrefundable, but they are transferable to other guests. If you cannot attend and need to transfer the ticket, please let us know so we can update our registration. If you cannot attend live there are no refunds, but you can share the link to a guest who you would like to attend.